Tips to save on your gas usage rates - reduce your gas usage

So, you’ve received the dreaded gas bill and you’re wondering how to save on your gas usage rates? You’ve come to the right place. Gas keeps us warm in our homes in so many ways, but our usage can easily get away from us when we aren’t paying attention.

Thankfully, there are some simple steps you can take to cut down on your gas usage around the home. Whether it’s on hot water, heating or stovetops – our experts have compiled the best tips to save you valuable dollars on your next gas bill.

Heating Rug up

We don’t mean to sound like a nag, but is it really that cold? By popping on an extra layer or snuggling up under a blanket on the couch you might not even need the heater on. You’d be surprised by how easily you can reduce your gas consumption by cutting back on the central heating.

Insulate the Home

Having proper insulation for your home will make the entire house more bearable on those summer scorchers and icy winter mornings. Take care of any cracks in doorways or window frames that are often the culprit for leaching heat.

Hot water Adjust the Thermostat

By lowering your central heating and water heating thermostats, you could cut back on your gas usage without even noticing it. By decreasing each by just a few degrees, your heating systems won’t require as much gas to reach the new setting.

Dishwashers and Washing Machines

Dishwashers and washing machines typically both offer flexible temperature settings. You don’t always need the hottest setting available. An eco setting on a dishwasher will usually wash your load on a lower temperature than normal. The same goes for washing machines – cold washes can often do the job perfectly well without the unnecessary gas usage. 


We’re not suggesting you start braving cold showers for the sake of a few dollars. Instead, attaching a low-flow shower head can save you big bucks at bill time.

Gas cooking Stop Preheating the Oven

You heard us. Recipes that call for you to preheat an oven are usually referring to electric ovens. In comparison, gas ovens are able to heat up quickly. By turning on your oven when your food is ready to go in, and leaving the door shut throughout the cooking process, you’ll be cutting down on excessive gas usage.

Use the Right Pots

The right pot for your stovetop can do wonders for your cooking efficiency. Round bottom pots and pans with snug fitting lids will heat food the quickest. So, you’ll be saving not only time but money too.

Switch to a better gas energy plan

If you believe your gas usage rates are simply too high for your household, why not consider switching providers? There are a range of plans on the market that could be better suited to your individual needs. Our team of experts are more than happy to find the perfect plan for you. They’ll to ensure you’re getting the best deal available and even help you make the switch. Get in touch now to find out more.

Full Article Published: 05 Dec 2020Compare Online