New Year, New Energy Habits: Reducing Your Power Bill in 2022


It’s the new year which means it’s time to lock in those aspirational resolutions to propel you into 2022. If money saving is at the top of your agenda, then your power bill is a great place to start.

Many of us are forking out more than we need to on electricity, so the Compare and Connect team are stepping in to help you reclaim the power.

Our experts reveal the simple changes you can make to reduce your power bill in the year ahead. It’s time to leave bill shock back in 2021.

Get Smart About Your Aircon Usage

For many Australians, an aircon is the key to surviving our sizzling summers. Often going without simply isn’t an option. But you can get savvy about the way in which you use your aircon.

Did you know the ideal temperature for your aircon is between 24-26 degrees? This keeps things cool without blowing out running expenses. According to the Department of Energy, each degree below this benchmark can increase your power costs by 10%.

Of course, the best way to cut back on running expenses is to remove the need for the aircon all together. Prepare your house for summer by investing in external screening options – such as trees or blinds – and check your insultation is in good condition. By doing so you’ll notice your house remains cooler for longer, without calling on the AC.

Invest In Energy Efficient Appliances

Household appliances account for around 30 per cent of your power bill. Everything from your fridge to the washing machine and aircon can be a power sucking culprit if they’re not performing efficiently.

Investing in energy efficient appliances can save you significantly. And it doesn’t require you to change a thing about how you use your daily technology.

When choosing a new appliance, the higher the star count the better. The Energy Rating Calculator ranks appliances on a scale of 0.5 to 5 stars based on how efficiently they perform. The more stars an appliance has, the more money you’ll save come bill time.

Replacing old appliances with their flashier upgrades does require some upfront expenditure. But think of it like this - your average appliance should last you around 6-15 years. Those savings accumulated in running costs from year-to-year far are going to stack up pretty quickly in your favour.

Compare Providers

Sometimes a soaring energy bill may have nothing to do with your behaviour at all. It may be a result of the price your supplier is stinging you for your power. Usage costs and fees vary between energy providers, so it can pay to shop around for a better deal. By doing so you might find yourself eligible for new customer discounts or incentives.

To make matters slightly more complex, electricity tariffs (electricity usage schemes) vary between states and regions. Fortunately Compare and Connect takes the confusion out of energy comparison. Our online tool simplifies the process into a few clicks – we can even help make the switch! Find out more here.

Full Article Published: 12 Jan 2022Compare Online