Can Energy-Efficient Appliances Save You Money?

Energy-efficient appliances can cost more money up front, but they will ultimately save you money on energy bills in the long run. More efficient appliances use far less energy and will reduce your electricity bills. Appliances that use less water will also save you money on water bills. When it comes to purchasing appliances, spending a bit more on a more efficient option is more cost effective.

How Can You Tell If An Appliance Is Energy-Efficient?

Do you know how to tell if an appliance in energy-efficient? In Australia, we use a rating system to measure the energy efficiency of household appliances. These ratings are mandatory and applied to all major appliances like washing machines, dishwashers, fridges and televisions.

When shopping for any of these appliances, you will notice a star rating label. This star rating, out of five stars, indicates the efficiency of the appliance. The more stars, the more efficient it is.

Below the star rating you will also see an energy consumption number. This number is measures in kWh and tells you how much electricity the appliance uses per year (based on standard usage). If this number is low, the appliance is cheaper to run.

Appliances that use water, such as dishwashers and washing machines, will also tell you the amount of water they use per load. Water usage is measured in litres and can also help to determine how much money the appliance will cost to run.

How To Choose Energy-Efficient Appliances

When choosing appliances, you can use the rating system and energy consumption label to determine how energy-efficient an appliance is. You can also choose appliances that are the best size and power for your needs.

For example, a two-person household will normally not require as large a fridge as a family of five. You can also buy smaller sized dishwashers and washing machines to suit your energy requirements. While the biggest way sometimes seem like the best, running a large appliance will just cost you more money in electricity bills.

Using Appliances Efficiently

If you have older appliances, or have already purchased something that isn’t very energy efficient, there are still ways to save money through your usage.

Washing machine. Wait until you have a full load of washing before using your machine to get the most out of a cycle. If you can, wash your clothes in cold water, as this reduces the energy required to heat water. Clothes dryer. Avoid using your clothes dryer if you can hang your clothes out instead, or use the dryer only for large items like sheets. Dishwasher. Fill the dishwasher completely before turning it on and air dry your dishes after the wash cycle. Refrigerator. Set your fridge for the optimum temperature of three or four degrees – any colder is unnecessary and uses more energy. Avoid standing in front of the fridge with the door open and make sure the seal on the door is working well. Heating and cooling. Optimise your home’s insulation and make sure that when the heating or cooling is running, windows are closed, blinds are drawn and rooms that aren’t being used have the doors closed. Try to avoid using air conditioning overnight.
Full Article Published: 07 Jul 2021Compare Online